Thursday, January 26, 2017

Our Thursday, Feb 9th Mercer County Spinners and Weavers meeting will be about spinning vegetable fibers – cotton and hemp.  Verna Greenan will be teaching about spinning cotton.  She will have sufficient fiber for you to learn with.  Cotton can be spun on your spinning wheel, I saw it done on a great wheel, there is a wheel called a charka from India which is what Mahatma Gandhi spun on and which will be at the meeting (not Gandhi, the wheel),  and a small supported spindle called a tahkli.  If you happen to have a tahkli please bring it.
And Susan Friedman will be teaching about spinning hemp.  I’ve seen Susan’s prepared hemp fiber, it seems like silk and is very beautiful and soft if all you can think about is hemp rope.  We’re trying to obtain some hemp fiber for you to practice on.
And I know some of you are saying, I don’t want to add another fiber to my stuff, or you’re saying I don’t need to learn to spin cotton (or hemp) I won’t be making anything from that fiber.  This is a chance to have another fiber experience and broaden your knowledge.
Hope to see you there,  Bonnie

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