Monday, July 26, 2010

July garden and Blackberries

Today on the way back from putting my Netflix into my mail box, as I crossed the street I noticed my Apache Thornless Blackberry bush poking thru the picket fence surrounding my garden. I thought I saw something black and went to investigate and discovered some giant ripe berries. Wow! they were huge and delicious. I was surprised to see them. I usually look at this bush from the inside my garden and am looking at the north side of the bush growing on the inside corner of the fence. The berries are red as you see in the photo and look like it will be a few more weeks before they ripen. The south side of the bush faces the fence and is hidden by leaves and shaded by the fence. Some branches with berries are sticking out of the fence facing the street. These berries get more sun and must ripen sooner. I am glad I noticed these berries before a bird or someone walking by saw them. Last year I did not have ripe blackberries till the first week of August. Everything is a week early this year. Global warming? It sure has been hot and dry in July. We do not usually get this hot and dry weather till August.

My garden looks like a jungle. The remaining lettuce is blooming small yellow flowers on 3 foot high stocks. I am letting it self seed like it did last year. Right now it is not very pretty.

I have picked a few ripe tomatoes, green and yellow peppers, cucumbers, squash and green beans. I pulled up my garlic and harvested one container about 5 pounds of Yukon Gold potatoes last week, I have 3 more boxes of potatoes to harvest. My garden is small scale. Just enough veggies to run out and pick a little of something for dinner. There is always something fresh to add to whatever I am cooking.

The straw bale garden experiment is starting to improve. I was not able to keep it watered enough. The tomatoes and parsley look healthy but are very small compared to the plants planted in my other containers. I have one squash and a couple cucumbers that are surviving too and might be okay if I can keep them watered.

My earth Box is looking great. Last year I tried eggplant in this box and was a total failure. This year I have one red grape tomato, two cucumbers, a small leaf bush basil, three parsley and two nasturtium. All are doing well. I picked 4 cucs and 6 tomatoes so far from this little Earth Box. I have also been clipping parsley and basil every other day or so.

My experiments with growing Veggies in containers have been interesting. I get better results every year. This garden has been my most productive one yet.
Visitors are welcome. If you are in Mercer and want to see my garden you may stop by. I am usually home in the afternoon. If you have pictures of your garden to share please email them. I love to see other gardens.

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