Thursday, June 12, 2014

Silk Fusion Workshop. mercer Spinners and Weavers Guild

Roz Macken from the Meadville Guild,  who will be leading our Thursday, June 12thmeeting on making silk paper, has sent this list of supplies.  This will happen at Munnell Run Farm at 10:00.  Remember your lunch and a cup for your beverage.  Bonnie

Subject: bring for silk paper program
Hi, Judy, thought I should send this along (it took a while to find it again). roz

Materials for the program on silk fusion will be provided and I will have extra of these items, but if you have, please bring:

            fine-fiber carders;

            1-2” sponge brush;

            spray bottle with a fine mist;

            cake pan, dish pan, cookie sheet or something similar to lay out and wet fiber (not buckets, fiber

    must lie flat);

     plastic or rubber gloves (optional).

Need more information call Judy or Bonnie