I always wanted to attend SOAR but I could not justify the expense and time away from the store This year I won a lottery to have a booth and the location was with in driving distance so I went. SOAR was a lot like the weaving and knitting conferences I had attended in the past. However, I found spinners to be a little friendlier than knitters and more laid back than weavers. I felt very much at home with this group of spinners. There were spinners attending the conference from all over the world. I was the only person in Patsy Z. High Tech Fibers workshop that had not lived in several differ parts of the country. This was a well educated and well traveled group of people. The knowledge and skills of the people I met were impressive and an inspiration.
Deb and I drove to SOAR together. Here is Deb and Cindy spinning at the Market in the booth across from Otter Creek.
The pictures above are from a three day workshop with Patsy Z. where we explored the world of the new high tech fibers. Soy, Corn,seaweed, bamboo and various rayon fibers. We spun samples of each as we learned about their properties and how they are created and used. Modern science is truly amazing. However, I still prefer to spin animal fibers from sheep, goats, rabbits and alpacas. Silk and cotton are fine but merino wool is still my favorite. Below are some pictures of the feltedfish workshop.
Felting a fish
Whinnie from The Butler Spinners and Weavers Guild went to the felting workshop too. We had fun felting fish. felt fish from the Feltafish Workshop
Christeen and Carol from the Butler Spinners and Weavers Guild also were at Soar and had item on display in the gallery
The hansdpun Gallery. My Handspun woven wallhanging is on the left. I donated this piece for the Scholarship Auction.
Some of our mentors Vivian H. and Nancy B. watching a presentation about Peruvian Weaving Center